Lone Star Compressor Service, Innovation, Selection and Support


Lone Star Compressor supplies reciprocating compressors for hydrogen service, CO2 service, and process gases. We supply new units, as well as used and remanufactured units.

We can supply only the compressor itself, or a complete skid-mounted compression package including the motor driver, instrumentation and control panels, heat exchangers, separators and any other auxiliary equipment, per API-618.

The equipment we supply, repair and/or rebuild includes brand names such as Ingersoll-Rand, Clark Brothers, Cooper Bessemer, Worthington, and Gardner Denver.

We offer design and engineering services, machine shop services, and field service at client sites.

We also supply steam turbines, screw compressors, electric motors, and reduction gears, as well as new or surplus parts for reciprocating compressors.

Lone Star Compressor Corp.
1100 Louisiana
South Houston, Texas 77587

Phone: 713-947-9975

E-Mail: info@lonestarcompressor.com

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